Numerology: E i g h t (+movie list)

Is your Life path number or destiny number connected to number 8? Do you keep seeing it everywhere?

Sky report: Sun conjunct Mercury in Aquarius

  Hello everyone 🙋‍♀️ #Mercury and #Sun are conjunct at 10° Aquarius under #SabianSymbol degree: “A MAN TETE-A-TETE WITH HIS INSPIRATION”. Non-personal and unpredictable, yet inventive and humanistic sign of #Aquarius♒️ is known as Mercuries exaltation sign in some schools of Astrology, but Sun is not standing very well in Aquarius, sign of it’s determination. … Continue reading Sky report: Sun conjunct Mercury in Aquarius

Numerology: T W O (+movie list)

Happy Two's day on Thursday. Today is TWO, meaning today is a good day for cooperation, teamwork and finding compromises inside relationship. Two is of the receptive nature and comes just after independent number one, which we connected to Aries/Mars energy in the past. In general world we can meet number two in lots of … Continue reading Numerology: T W O (+movie list)

Yearly Forecast/ Astrology&Tarot (Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius)

For the year 2018., we, writers of Hermit Fool (Sofia, Vita and Ija) decided to give you guys a yearly forecast for your rising signs, sun signs and sprinkle all that with the petite but sweet Tarot report 🙂 In this article you can read predictions for Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius. Read also for Aries, Taurus and … Continue reading Yearly Forecast/ Astrology&Tarot (Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius)


For the year 2018., we, writers of Hermit Fool (Sofia, Vita and Ija) decided to give you guys a yearly forecast for your rising signs, sun signs and sprinkle all that with the petite but sweet Tarot report 🙂 In this article you can read predictions for Cancer, Leo and Virgo. Read also for Aries, Taurus … Continue reading YEARLY FORECAST / ASTROLOGY&TAROT (Cancer, Leo, Virgo)


For the year 2018., we, writers of Hermit Fool (Sofia, Vita and Ija) decided to give you guys a yearly forecast for your rising signs, sun signs and sprinkle all that with the petite but sweet Tarot report 🙂 In this article you can read predictions for Aries, Taurus and Gemini. So,  let's start with … Continue reading YEARLY FORECAST / ASTROLOGY&TAROT (Aries, Taurus and Gemini)

Astro Tea Party u Zagrebu

Pozivamo Vas na Astro Tea party 3.11. u petak, u Tkalčićevu ulicu br.93 na malo druženje. 🌟 Vjetar postaje hladniji i lišće odlazi pripremajući zemlju za zimu🌟 Sunce je u Škorpionu već dva dana i nema boljeg trenutka od ispijanja čaja uz razgovor o tome što nam ovo razdoblje predstavlja i kako ga možemo iskoristiti … Continue reading Astro Tea Party u Zagrebu